Krishna Das

Are you aware of the impermanent nature of life?

“So you understand how difficult it is for anyone of us to really live in reality in the way that things really are. We are all living in our fantasies and our delusions. Those of us who don't have any idea about what it means to live a good life, what it means to find real happiness and real love now. But we are always putting it off. We are trying to fill up those spaces with things that are very impermanent and temporarily. Because most of think that's the best we can do. That's too bad. That's very sad.”

Krishna Das

Meeting Krishna Das and hearing him tell his story opened my heart to his simple, but profound, message about  letting go of the darkness and pain that keeps us separated from reality.

I really enjoyed talking with Krishna Das. It wasn't only because he made me laugh all the time, but because he was generous enough to share some of his insights and stories, which brought him to where he was in his life. 

At some point at the end of our talk, I really understood the importance of the training of letting go in the practice of chanting. 

All though, I've never been a steadfast chanter, I have had a few deep insights into my own spiritual being with the help of devotional chanting or kirtan.

So I wasn't surprised to hear Krishna Das explain how a regular practice can deepen the letting go. And at the same time, I can feel the resistance in doing just that. 

I guess that makes the whole difference, if you actually do the practice to let go of whatever pain that is holding you back. 

Krishna Das explains throughout the talk how the identification with pain, trauma or whatever it is, that is holding you back, can be let go off by continuously returning to the chanting. His clear point is, we are not our thoughts and feelings that come and go in our awareness. 

Who are we essentially then? What is our true nature?

Krishna is clear on that. We are God. That is our own true nature. But to understand that, we have to train ourselves to look and pay attention. 

Krishna Das' message needs practice to be understood. I am looking forward to joining him in Copenhagen.

If you are looking for a ticket follow this link and get your once-in-a-lifetime-chance to chant with Krishna Das.  

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Podcaster Soroush Zand
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